Test your integration with Unity LevelPlay

  • Updated

Testing your integration is an important step for successful onboarding. We strongly recommend testing your integration before launching to ensure that your ad units are displaying ads across all your apps as desired without affecting live traffic. 


How to test your integration

You can find the instructions for testing your integration with Unity LevelPlay in the integration testing guide


Integration checklist

  • Be sure to initialize the ad instance with the Ad Unit ID from Moloco Publihser Portal. If you haven't already done so, you must have created your apps and ad units under your Moloco Publisher account.
  • Be sure to confirm that you have downloaded and integrated the Moloco SDK with Unity LevelPlay Mediation.
  • Verify that your app has successfully requested Moloco SDK network production and test ads.
  • Be sure that your ads are displayed accurately and as intended.
  • Use test ads to evaluate the user experience of your ads integration.
  • Be sure to remove all test ads before launching. Otherwise, your app will only display the test ads.


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