Reporting overview

  • Updated

You can view and download reports on a variety of metrics to analyze campaign performance.


About the Reporting dashboard

The dashboard displays a set of key metrics for inventory performance by different dimensions (e.g., app, ad unit, etc.). You can generate and download reports with different combinations of metrics and dimensions. Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 3.52.28 PM.png



Item Description
Period Specify a date range to retrieve data from. You can manually specify a date range or you can choose from the available options in the left sidebar. Date range can include up to 30 days. Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 4.05.11 PM.png
Group By (Dimensions) Specify the dimension(s) to group data by. Available dimensions are the following.
Dimension Description
App You can group data by each app under your account. 
Ad unit You can group data by different ad units. 
Ad unit type You can group data by different types of ad units (e.g., banner, interstitial, rewarded video, etc.).
Platform You can group data by different platforms (e.g., Android, iOS, etc.). 
Country You can group data by different countries.
Store ID You can group data by different App Store IDs (for iOS apps) and/or package names (for Android apps).
Auction method You can group data by different auction methods.
Metrics Specify the metric(s) to include in the report. Available metrics are the following.
Metric Description

This is the number of times your app has requested an ad to be displayed. There is a positive correlation between ad unit and request such that the number of requests increases with the increase in number of ad units.


This is the total number of ads that your app has displayed to users. Note that number of impressions reported by your mediation platform can be different from the number of impression reported on this dashboard based on several factors. One common factor is timezone difference. The Publisher portal uses UTC as the default timezone.


This is the total number of click events originating from user engagement with Moloco-run ads.


This is the total revenue that your app has generated from ad impressions.


This is the effective cost per thousand impressions, calculated as (total ad earnings/total impressions)x1000. This metric is based on the revenue that your app has generated from ad impressions.

Fill rate

This is the percentage of ad requests that a bidder has filled with an ad response.


This metric measures the effectiveness of ads, calculated by dividing the total number of clicks by total number of impressions (i.e., clicks / impressions).

Group by Time You can group data by the same date, month, and/or year.
Filter You can apply filters to the data to view a subset of data. Available filters are the following.
Filter Description
Ad unit You can retrieve data for specific ad unit(s).
Device OS You can retrieve data for specific OS type(s) such as Android and iOS.
Publisher app You can retrieve data for specific app(s).
Store ID You can retrieve data for specific App Store IDs (for iOS apps) and/or package names (for Android apps).
Country You can retrieve data for specific countries.
Inventory type You can retrieve data for specific inventory type(s) (e.g., banner, interstitial, etc.).
Auction method You can retrieve data for specific auction method(s).


View or download performance data

  1. Click Reporting from the left sidebar. This takes you to the Reporting dashboard where you can view and download all or a subset of performance data. Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 5.06.13 PM.png
  2. Specify the date range to retrieve data from as well as dimension(s), metric(s), and timeframes. Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 5.10.32 PM.png
  3. If you like, you can use Add filter to apply any of the available filters to view a subset of data. Click Run to view data. Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 5.10.45 PM.png
  4. You can drag and drop any of the columns displayed to change the order of presentation. For each column, you can click one of the arrows to sort data by ascending or descending order. Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 5.11.59 PM.png
  5. To download the data displayed, click CSV. Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 5.12.13 PM.png


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